Soil Project


Theory and methods

Mark three test plots (each with one square meter). Take one soil sample from each plot to see the difference between untreated soil and treated soil after two, four and six weeks.
Dig out the soil to a depth of 20 cm in the two testplots where you have to add hay to the soil.
First prepare the test plot with hay but no mircroorganisms:

  • take 5 kg of hay into a wheelbarrow and add 20 l of water
  • mix the hay with water till the hay is wet
  • put the hay in thin layers into the plot by changing hay and soil
  • the last layer should be 5 cm of soil

Do the same with the test plot with hay and microorganisms but add 1,5 gms of bacteria powder into the water. The third test plot is ready after the soil has been loosen with a spade.
These test plots will be prepared in winter and in summer. Weekly the temperature of the soil should be measured and tabulated. Every second week the levels of nitrite, nitrate, ammonium and pH act/pot should also be measured and tabulated. The untreated soil in the beginning and the treated soil after six weeks is aditionally measured and tabulated to the levels of air- and watercontent, total organic matter and humusvalue.
Tables were drawn up for each plot with all named parameters in the winter and in the summer.
Correlations are then made between the temperature/ adding of microorganisms with hay/ adding hay only and the different states of nitrogen and pH-levels.
Also correlations should be made between the temperature/ adding of microorganisms and the change from organic matter to humus (humusvalue) and the whole soil structure (content of air and water) to ascertain which treatment of the soil should be done at which time (temperature) to buid up the soil (structure and fertility) in the best way.

Diagram to show the preparation of the plots with hay:

Diagram to show how to take a soil sample:


Stones to mark the plots
Spade and trowel
Mortel and pistel
Testkits for measuring ammonia nitrogen, nitrite, nitrates, Humusvalue
100 ml graduated cylinder
300 ml graduated cylinder
Buckets for soil samples

Note: Additional material such as different chemicals, distilled water might be needed

Soil project

Water project

Soil Organism project