Water Project


Theory and methods

The aim of our water project at Ekebyholm was to study Lake Syningen and its physical-chemical conditions during a year. Sample sites were chosen with the thought that human influence could seen as possible in the results. SU1 and SU2 are located upstreams 1 – 0,5 km from the lake. They are surrounded by fields and pasture. Waste water from private houses higher up on the hill is filtrated into the ground and it maybe comes later to the river. I and O are inlet and outlet in the lake. A is an isolated bay in the southeastern part of Syningen. SD means a site in the river downstreams Syningen.This small river flows through the outskirts of Rimbo community passing by the sewege water plant. Just after that we had the last sample site(S). The following instruments were used in water analyses: pH-meter, conductivity pen, oxygen meter and the most central, spectrophotometer (Spectronic-20). The methods used in different analyses are seen in the result table.
Our partner schools Bogenhofen and Stanborough School have tried to follow the same plan in the water project. Their equipment did not allow them to make as accurate measurements in every point as in Ekebyholm. Some of the parameters must be dropped out from their water study because of the shortage of equipment. The water samples in Bogenhofen were taken in the river flowing through the school area (three samples). One sample comes from the pond that the river opens into in the middle of the school area. Salmon fish is fed up in this pond. The water study in Stanborough School was done only once. The samples were taken from a river about 10 km from the school in the area north of London.

Soil project

Water project

Soil Organism project